Roof Construction:
The type of roofing material and its installation method are assessed to determine its ability to resist wind uplift.

The Florida Wind Mitigation, also known as the Florida Uniform Wind Mitigation Report, is focused on assessing the preparedness of a property to withstand strong winds, typically associated with hurricanes or other severe weather events.
If your roof permit application was pulled after a certain date, then you can qualify for a significant discount on your homeowners insurance.
During a Wind Mitigation Inspection, a qualified inspector evaluates various features of the home that can affect its resilience to wind damage.
These features may include:
The type of roofing material and its installation method are assessed to determine its ability to resist wind uplift.
The shape and slope of the roof can impact its ability to withstand wind forces. Iin order to receive this discount your home will need more than 90% Hip shape. Home inspectors measure the perimeter of all roof shapes in order to determine percentages.
The strength and integrity of the connections between the roof and the walls of the structure are examined. Stronger connections, such as hurricane straps or clips, can enhance the home's resistance to wind uplift. The largest discounts are known as clips, single wraps, structural attachments, and double wraps.
The method used to attach the roof decking to the underlying structure is evaluated to ensure it can withstand wind forces. Most often, if you have a new roof, you qualify for the largest discount available.
Older roof styles may not qualify, which would be shorter nails that are distanced farther apart from each other.
The presence of additional protective measures, such as SWR a sealed roof deck or underlayment, can help prevent water intrusion in the event of roof covering damage during a storm. SWR, Secondary Water Resistant Barrier, is a peal and stick underlayment installed over the roof Decking prior to the final layer of roof covering. If you are replacing your roof be sure to insist on this with your roofing company.
The condition and type of windows, doors, and other openings are assessed to determine their ability to resist wind-borne debris and maintain the structural integrity of the home. To receive this discount, all windows must have an impact rated shutter or the window must be impact rated itself. This includes window inserts in doors or garage doors, or sliding glass doors.
The year your home was built tells the home inspector how strict the building codes were in relation to wind damage resistance. If your roof has been replaced, the permit application date will do this as well.
The findings of a Wind Mitigation Inspection can influence insurance premiums, as homes with features that improve wind resistance may qualify for discounts on homeowners' insurance policies. This inspection helps homeowners and insurance companies better understand the level of risk associated with wind damage and take appropriate measures to mitigate it.
Below are some helpful links for more information: